Study Spanish with Us
- Our professors are trusted by hundreds of college students for 18+ years, in addition to universities and language institutions such as the State University of New York, D'Youville College, and LTTC 財團法人語言訓練測驗中心 (The Language Training & Testing Center).
- Build confidence and improve your pronunciation and grammar in Spanish by working collaboratively with classmates.
- Fully immersive curriculum, sequenced to introduce new skills in a way that stimulates your brain's natural language learning ability.
Features of our Courses

Exclusively Ph.D. University Professors
Learn with Ph.D. professors with experience teaching foreign languages at college level. No other center or academy can offer you this level of professionalism, commitment, and experience.

A CCI Methodology
All our classes follow a sequenced COLLABORATIVE, COMMUNICATIVE and IMMERSIVE approximation. You will speak Spanish from the very first day, building your confidence and stimulating you to learn and speak more.

MLA HUB: A Learning Management System (LMS)
Complete your learning on MLA HUB: our learning online platform that gives you access to a plethora of multimedia materials and other resources for your learning. In addition, it will synchronize your progress in all your devices.
Re-read chapters, do exercises and practice on your smartphone, tablet, or computer at any moment, anywhere.

Classes in Taipei and Taoyuan
You no longer need to travel to another city to learn, speak, and practice with your professor and classmates. Our classrooms are conveniently located in different cities; closer to your home.

1:1 Tutoring Meetings
Each course includes one on one meetings with your professor. Use them to improve your speaking skills, your pronunciation, or to resolve your doubts during the classes or the homework.

The Best Option for Your Money
Not only you will learn from the best professionals teaching foreign languages, you will also do it at a COMPETITIVE PRICE AND SAVING MONEY learning with a reduced number of classmates.

Preparation for international Certificates
Prepare yourself to get an international certificate acknowledging your level of Spanish. Our DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) and SIELE (Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española) exam preparation courses are designed to help you to get the result you want.